
Mob Journal Interview with Tobi Laniyan Art Director & Founder of Quotes & Styles for The Queens Gambit Editorial


Mob Journal: What significant life experiences or events have influenced and shaped your artistic vision?

Tobi: On 14 September 2018, I was at a low point in my life and suffering from a traumatic experience. A few words of encouragement from a stranger gave me hope—words I’ve still kept to this day. This is what birthed the idea and vision of Quotes & Styles using my creative expression to tell personal quotes and stories of people through portraits, words, film, and other mediums.

In 2019, as a Graphic Designer by trade, I always felt like I could do more. One day, I randomly decided to look at the fashion magazine section at a local store. What I saw while flipping through the pages amazed and intrigued me. I was so inspired by the work and the various artists and creatives featured that I knew I needed to embark on my own creative exploration to find out.

I bought a second-hand DSLR camera, took a one day course, and started exploring, using the streets as my studio and reaching out to individuals whom I could capture. I consistently did this for three years and began to develop my own style along the way.

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While coming up in this industry, I always felt like many things were hidden, out of reach, or not seen. I simply asked myself one question: “Why are the credits only given at the end?” from this statement I’ve completely flipped the process of how I did this editorial from start to finish and I believe this will be groundbreaking moving forward.

Mob Journal: Collaboration often sparks fresh creativity. Can you share an example of a collaboration that led to an unexpected and exciting artistic outcome?

Tobi: Everyone on the team truly delivered, but I must highlight one collaboration that significantly contributed to the exciting artistic outcome – our stylist, Imogen Porter who played a pivotal role in shaping the style and aesthetics of the editorial, particularly with her recommendations to feature brands like Naya Rea and Underground England. Working closely with Imogen, I uncovered some intriguing styling links such as a Gold bodice we couldn’t secure because Beyoncé’s team had plans to use it. Additionally, the Original Gripper Boot from Underground England, featured on set, were also worn by the singer YungBlud.

Walk us through a specific project that challenged your creative boundaries. How did you approach it, and what did you learn from the experience?

Tobi: I knew capturing video and audio was going to be a challenge. I had a clear vision for the Art direction of the video. I was able to borrow a BlackMagic 4K Camera from my former colleague Amy while our model Mia connected me with Raphael, a videographer who was willing to come on board and help me out, allowing me to focus on art direction and photography on set.

As we entered the post-production phase, and I delved into video editing, I really had to challenge myself to learn video editing on the go and leverage past experiences. Also, my recent experience with podcasting proved invaluable for understanding audio.

Mob Journal: In the ever-evolving art world, what do you believe sets your work apart and makes it unique or groundbreaking?

Tobi: The Queens Gambit Editorial took something well known and added a twist in every aspect. I used many references that might not have been considered in a traditional sense and brought them together so everything linked across different media and art styles.

While coming up in this industry, I always felt like many things were hidden, out of reach, or not seen. I simply asked myself one question: “Why are the credits only given at the end?” from this statement I’ve completely flipped the process of how I did this editorial from start to finish and I believe this will be groundbreaking moving forward.

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Mob Journal: As you reflect on your journey, are there any specific goals or milestones you’ve set for your artistic career in the coming years?

Tobi: Raise awareness of Quotes & Styles and myself as an Art Director / Photographer. Continue to raise my creative output and collaborate with creatives across the field capturing individuals with unique styles and their own quotes so that the work can inspire others through portraits, words, film and other mediums.

Mob Journal: How did you discover Mob and what made you choose us?

Tobi: Imogen mentioned Mob Journal to me while we were on set, so I checked it out and loved what Mob Journal represents: “Collaboration is greater than Competition.”

Team Credits
Mia Caven Quote: “Is it better to speak or to die?”
Daryl Okene Quote: “Life is about slowly chipping away at the things that take away my freedom”

  • Model: Daryl Okene
  • Model: Mia Caven
  • Art Director: Tobi Laniyan
  • Videographer: Raphael Aigbehinmua
  • Video Editor: Tobi Laniyan
  • Photographer: Tobi Laniyan
  • Makeup Artist: Clara Milnes
  • Fashion: Naya Rea (worn by Mia Caven)
  • Fashion: Underground England (worn by Daryl Okene)
  • Stylist: Imogen Porter
  • Set Designer: Anna Niamh Gorman
  • Music: Stubborn by Channel Pausa
  • Studio: Too Young Too Simple
  • Camera Rental: C5M Studio, Amy Stoparczyk & Raphael Aigbehinmua
  • Brand: Quotes & Styles®